Our Founders Message

Need based minimalistic and balanced lifestyle along with financial discipline are important habits to create wealth and fulfil your financial goals. If you take care of money in the initial stages of your life, the money takes care of you rest of the life.

Historically, equity as an asset class to achieve financial freedom over an extended period. It is also a known fact that most people do not know how to manage investment risks and returns, may be, due to lack of time, knowledge, and passion. Many people have psychological biases that lead to irrational decisions.

The Team at RiskBrains have knowledge of equity markets dynamics and fully equipped to advise you to take rational and informed investment decisions in your financial journey. The team will guide and help you to construct a clear well thought out Model Investment Portfolio of winning stocks across the sectors and geographies based on your financial goals, risk appetite, investment style, costs and tax efficiency.

Seeking help of an investment advisor allows you to tap into the wisdom and experience of others. Reach out to us at contact@riskbrains.com to unlock the power of informed investments decisions and achieve financial success.

Disclaimer: Investment in equity securities is subject to market risks. Always read all the related documents carefully before investing. Past performance should not be construed as a guarantee for future returns.

  • Need based minimalistic and balanced lifestyle along with financial discipline are important habits to create wealth and fulfil your financial goals. If you take care of money in the initial stages of your life, the money takes care of you rest of the life
  • Historically, equity as an asset class to achieve financial freedom over an extended period. It is also a known fact that most people do not know how to manage investment risks and returns, may be, due to lack of time, knowledge, and passion. Many people have psychological biases that lead to irrational decisions.
  • The Team at RiskBrains have knowledge of equity markets dynamics and fully equipped to advise you to take rational and informed investment decisions in your financial journey. The team will guide and help you to construct a clear well thought out Model Investment Portfolio of winning stocks across the sectors and geographies based on your financial goals, risk appetite, investment style, costs and tax efficiency.
  • Seeking help of an investment advisor allows you to tap into the wisdom and experience of others. Reach out to us at contact@riskbrains.com to unlock the power of informed investments decisions and achieve financial success.


Disclaimer: Investment in equity securities is subject to market risks. Always read all the related documents carefully before investing. Past performance should not be construed as a guarantee for future returns.

Our Founders

Mahender Kumar Gupta

ACII (London), FIII (Mumbai), M.Com., MA, PGDM

Ali Hussain Kurabadwala