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ClassX LiveStadium is a powerful broadcast software for managing Soccer championships and tournaments.

Manage leagues and tournaments

LiveStadium was developed for the management and the airing of all information relating to a soccer league.
All this information is shown both through professionally designed templates created with MoreCG, CastaliaCG or CoralCG and supplied with LiveBoard through Plugins like Ticker and LiveTimer. The templates are made with animated graphics and dynamic 2D/3D effects and can be customized according to your needs.

Thanks to the interaction with an external database, currently available in Italian language only, LiveStadium can create real-time data for all the graphic representations of:

✓ Detailed charts of the season (goals made, sustained, etc. ..)
✓ Current and next round of matches (including date, place and appointed referee..)
✓ Detailed actions (including substitutions, yellow cards, red cards, photos of players etc...)
✓ Goal and markers (minutes, type of goal..)
✓ Statistics for each game (ball possession, faults, coach penalties etc. ..)

You can manage more than one database in LiveStadium in order to follow several matches at the same time. For each database, you can choose which league day to work on. You will be able to optimize the results shown in the ì graphics templates in order to give all the information in real time.

You can manage game timers, match phases and highlights for each match to keep track of the goal time. In addition, for each match phase and for the last match result, you can select a different colour. It is possible to see the single result with own current timer and visualize the goal time.

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