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Advanced PTZ Auto-Tracking – Available in 12x, 20x, and 30x
Now Available: Native NDI® Enablement!
These PTZOptics accessories are compatible with our Move SE cameras.
PTZOptics Ceiling Mount
Universal ceiling mount
HuddleCamHD Wall Mount
Universal small-based wall mount
HuddleCamHD Pole Mount
Universal small-based pole mount
HuddleCamHD HC Joy
Serial PTZ Camera Joystick Controller
PTZOptics PT Joy
IP or Serial PTZ Camera Joystick Controller
PTZOptics SuperJoy
IP & Serial PTZ Camera Joystick Controller
3G SDI Cabling
3G HD-SDI Male to Male cables
DB9 Extender Cable
Serial DB9 Male to Female cables
Cascade Cable
VISCA cascade Male to Male cables
PTZOptics offers a large selection of accessories to enhance your setup and suit your unique production needs.
WirelessCable (single and pre-paired)
Wireless Connectivity for IP Video Productions
Spare Infrared PT Remote
Operates all PTZOptics cameras plus the HuddleCamHD Pro and Pro IP
Spare Power Supply
For 12X, 20X & 30X PTZ model PTZOptics cameras
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