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Viz Connect Tetra is an ultra-compact live production workstation that enables multi-channel 4K video and audio connectivity with a simple internet or network connection, anywhere in the world.
Viz Connect Tetra seamlessly connects 12G SDI, 3G SDI, NDI® with NDI® Bridge built-in and now Flowics HTML 5 graphics – all in a small desktop workstation!
Bringing together any Viz Live Production product as well as any Viz Graphics Tool and, using NDI Bridge allowing Vizrt Content Creation anywhere in the world – without the need for additional hardware.
Don’t let the desktop form factor of Viz Connect Tetra fool you – this adaptable box offers four exceptionally flexible 12G IO channels, in an ultra compact footprint that doesn’t have to live on a rack – unless of course, you need it to.
Boasting access to NDI Bridge join-mode* in the device itself, this desktop converter can send and receive NDI for remote production anywhere in the world – without any additional hardware.
No matter the audio format you are using, Viz Connect Tetra has you covered – whether it’s NDI®, SDI, Dante, or ASIO – and for the very first time each IO channel supports 16×16 audio routing for patching on the go.
*NDI|HX Support for 4K Sources limited to 1x stream in either direction at launch. 4K and HD NDI High Bandwidth, and HD NDI|HX streams can be utilized across all 4x channels.
For the first time in a Viz Connect product, 12G-SDI and 3G-SDI can be converted through NDI® High-Bandwidth with no compromise in each channel.
4 x 3G / 12G SDI connections can be used independently or in Key/Fill pairs for a wide range of deployments; Cameras, Graphics, and Monitoring.
4 x 3G / 12G SDI connections can be used independently or in Key/Fill pairs for a wide range of deployments; Cameras, Graphics, and Monitoring.
Offering 16 x 16 audio routing, users can “reshuffle” audio patching in each channel for on-the-go use, e.g. audio commentary for sports, and translation for ProAV.
With NDI Bridge pre-installed on Viz Connect Tetra, users can seamlessly enable production capabilities with cloud and remote productions without additional hardware*.
Expands on the features Viz Connect users already know and love, including Mutliviewer, ProcAmps, audio embedding and more.
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